I believe (deeply) in leading with grace, the magical combination of confidence and humility. Be kind to yourself and those around you, the human experience is challenging enough--let's start with the question
"how we might be of service to those around us."
I *love* learning about new or ambiguous new spaces, uncovering new findings, talking to new people, and connecting seemingly unrelated dots (artists, articles, podcasts, books, all of it!)
Riffing a bit on 'fail fast/early/often,' with a splash of 'progress over perfection,' I believe embracing experimentation and a sense of play with our work--while still being informed and crafting educated hypotheses--is one of the most exciting aspects of working in Experience Design. The best way to learn something is to f#*@& around and find out.
I am grateful to know and learn from some incredible humans. Creating environments where everyone can learn from each other and work together in harmony is a foundational goal wherever I am. It's not about one person having the best ideas, but rather creating an atmosphere of open collaboration where ideas can be shared and developed through symbiotic learning.
My personal mantra is a saying from Paul Wellstone "We all do better when we all do better." I enjoy putting this into action, whether it's working with stakeholders, involving a diverse range of users in the design process, or creating inclusive teams and design practices. I firmly believe that inclusion helps us gain a deeper understanding and create more meaningful products, teams, companies, and societies.
The field of ethics in technology is intricate and can often involve invasive and unintentionally exclusionary practices. As designers and creators, we bear the responsibility to approach each and every design decision, regardless of its size, with mindfulness, compassion, and a strong dedication to upholding ethical principles.